
-第一编 新保险条款简介

上传: 郭国汀 | 发布: 2011-4-3 02:27 | 作者: 郭国汀 | 来源: | 查看: 0

第四编第6章 保障与赔偿风险(保赔风险)

6 保障与赔偿风险(保赔风险)

Protection and Indemnity Risks


依传统,劳氏S.G格式保险单仅承保保险标的的灭失或损害的风险,附加共同海损的救助费用;责任不在承保范围之列。设立这一主张的判例,De Vaux v.Salvador[1](如我们已讨论过的碰撞责任保险条款(Running Down Clause)[2])满足了(至少部分)保险人填补这一保险空白的愿望。人们认为留下这部分风险不承保,将促使船东注重培训船长和船员使之更加谨慎小心,保险人同意承保碰撞引起的法律责任的四分之三。


这对谨慎的船东而言不足以保障其利益,于是他们联合起来组成保赔协会(Protection and Indemnity Associations)(随后不久即被称作 clubs俱乐部)针对剩余的四分之一碰撞责任寻求自保,亦提供了一种体制,在相互基础上解决其他责任,诸如,货损、固定物体、清除残骸等。




1987720日协会船壳定期保赔保险条款(Institute Protection and Indemnity Clauses, Hulls-Time 20/7/87


This insurance is subject to English law and practice.





第1条       保障与赔偿条款



1.1  The Underwriters agree to indemnify the Assured for any sum or sums paid by the Assured to any other person or persons by reason of the Assured becoming legally liable, as owner of the Vessel, for any claim, demand, damages and/or expenses, where such liability is in consequence of any of the following matters or things and arises from an accident or occurrence during the period of this insurance.

1.1.1                loss of or damage to any fixed or movable object or property or other thing of interest whatsoever, other than the Vessel, arising from any cause whatsoever in so far as such loss or damage is not covered by Clause 8 of the Institute Time Clause Hulls 1/10/83 with 4/4ths substituted for 3/4ths in line nos. 80, 81, 98 and 99.

1.1.2                Any attempted or actual raising, removal or destruction of any fixed or movable object or property or other thing, including the wreck of the Vessel, or any neglect or failure to raise, remove or destroy the same.

1.1.3                Liability assumed by the Assured under contracts of customary towage for the purpose of entering or leaving port or maneuvering within the port during the ordinary course of trading

1.1.4                Loss of life, personal injury, illness or payments made for life salvage

1.1.5                Liability under Clause1(a) of the current Lloyd’s Standard Form of Salvage Agreement in respect of unsuccessful, partially successful, or uncompleted services if and to the extent that the salvor’s expenses plus the increment exceed any amount otherwise recoverable under the Agreement.

1.2  The underwriters agree to indemnify the Assured for any of the following arising from an accident or occurrence during the period of this insurance:

1.2.1                the additional cost of fuel, insurance, wages, stores, provisions and port charges reasonably incurred solely for the purpose of landing from the Vessel sick or injured persons or stowaways, refugees, or persons saved at sea

1.2.2                additional expenses brought about by the outbreak of infectious disease on board the Vessel or ashore.

1.2.3                Fines imposed on the Vessel, on the Assured, or on any Master Officer crew member or agent of the Vessel who is reimbursed by the Assured, for any act or neglect or breach of any statute or regulation relating to the operation of the Vessel, provided that the Underwriters shall not be liable to indemnify the Assured for any fines which result from any act neglect failure or default of the Assured their agents or servants other Master Officer or crew member

1.2.4                the expenses of the removal of the wreck of the Vessel from any place owned, leased or occupied by the Assured

1.2.5                legal costs incurred by the Assured, or which the Assured may be compelled to pay, in avoiding, minimising or contesting liability with the prior written consent of the Underwriters.


1 保障与赔偿


  1.1 由于被保险人作为船东对于任何索赔、要求、损害及/或费用负有法律责任,此种责任由于下述问题或事情引起,或发生于本保险期间,保险人同意赔偿被保险人因此而支付给任何其他人或人们的任何金额:


  1.1.1 除了保险船舶以外的任何固定或浮动物体或财产或其他无论何种物体的利益的灭失或损害,无论何因引起的,只要此种灭失或损害并非由1983101协会船舶定期保险条款8条所承保的,即用四分之四取代规定于第80819899行的四分之三责任


  1.1.2 清除或销毁任何固定或可移动物体或财产或其他物体,包括船舶残骸的任何企图或实际发生者(actual raising),或在清除或销毁上述物体时的任何过失或疏忽


  1.1.3 根据习惯拖带合同为了进出港口或在正常的运输期间在港内移动,被保险人应承担的责任


  1.1.4 人身伤亡、疾病或人命救助而支付的费用


  1.1.5 根据现行劳氏标准救助协议格式条款第1(a)款,对有关不成功的,部分成功的或未完成的救助服务的责任,如果在救助人的费用加上增加的超出根据该协议可获赔偿的任何金额。


  1.2 保险人同意对本保险期间发生的任何下列偶然事故或偶然事件赔偿被保险人:


  1.2.1 纯属为了将病员、受伤人员或无票乘船者、避难者或在海上获救人员自船上运送到岸上而额外发生的燃料、保险、工资、给养和港口使费等费用


  1.2.2 由于船上或岸上爆发传染性疾病而产生的额外费用


  1.2.3 对于船舶、被保险人、或任何船长、高级船员、船员或由被保险人补偿的船舶代理人,因违反有关船舶营运的任何法规或规章或任何行为或过失而被课加的罚款


  1.2.4 自被保险人所有、租赁或占有任何地点清除船舶或残骸的费用


  1.2.5 经保险人事先书面同意为避免、减少或抗辩责任,被保险人所发生或被迫支付的法律费用。






The Underwriters agree to indemnify the Assured for any sum or sums paid by the Assured”(保险人同意赔偿被保险人因此而支付的任何金额)


在碰撞条款(Running Down Clause)的情况下,被保险人已支付是根据本第1.1款索赔的一项必要前提。


“to any other person or persons”(给任何其他人或人们)




“……by reason of the Assured becoming legally liable, as owner of the Vessel”(由于作为船东的被保险人负有法律责任)




(a)    它比碰撞条款类型的责任更广,而不限于侵权责任,亦即,它是由“损害的方式”(by way of damages)引起;但


(b)    它是较窄的,它应是一种附属于“作为船东”的被保险人的责任。[3]


Rigby v. Sun Alliance & London Insurance Limited案中[4]Mustill法官,在一起根据建筑保险单而提起的索赔中说道:







Chrismas v.Taylor Woodrow案中[5],保险标的是一台浮动千斤顶式平台(jack-up platform),根据一份包含有完成工作后,承租人应清除所有的设备、残骸等条款的合同,光租承租人将该平台用于运载一台与水当局(water authority )的工作有关的起重机,平台的所有人和承租人均按1987720协会船舶港口险定期保险条款为平台办理了保险。其第9.1款与协会船舶保赔保险条款措辞相同。起重机在一场风暴中自平台坠落,承租人索赔将该起重机自海底移开发生的费用。



……for any claim, demand, damages and/or expenses”(对于任何索赔、要求、损害及/或费用)


这种措辞的含义比最近在P & O Steam Navigation Co.v. Youell案中[6]考虑的 “Legally liable to pay as damage”(赔偿损害的法律义务)更广。即便如此,上诉法院在考虑了上述句子后,判决一旦P & O 证明他们负有赔付的法律义务,支付赔偿的形式,在某些情况下,包括退还乘客的票款,不应损害P & O根据其保险单索赔的权利。




(a) 根据第1.1.1项任何固定或浮动物体的灭失或损害,但属于四分之四碰撞责任条款的那些责任除外;


(c)    1.1.2项下清除残骸或任何种类的障碍物,或这么做的任何疏忽,在任一情况下,被保险人应证明他有采取相关行为的法律义务;


(c) 依据第1.1.3项,根据习惯拖带合同在港内提供拖带服务的合同义务。例如,根据英国标准拖带条件,接受拖带服务的船舶,无论是否有过错,均要对拖轮在履行服务过程中造成的任何损害负法律责任;


(d)   根据第1.1.4项,对于人身伤亡、疾病或人命救助而支付的费用。此点无需解释。


(e) 根据第1.1.5项,被保险人作为船东根据现行劳氏标准救助协议(通常称之为L.O.F.)第1(a)款(“安全网”条款(the “safety net” provisions))不得不支付的款项。








第1.          2款承保一组习惯上由保赔协会承保的附加费用:


(a) 根据第1.2.1项,对于绕航发生的费用(习惯上按与在共同海损情况下在避难港为恢复航程而发生的费用相同的基础调整)为将病人或受伤人员、无票乘船者、避难者在海上获救人员送上岸;


(b) 依据第1.2.2项,因爆发传染性疾病而发生的费用;


(e)    根据第1.2.3项,船舶、被保险人或任何船员或应由被保险人补偿的船舶代理人因“任何行为或过失或违反有关经营船舶的任何法规规章”。而课加的任何罚款。使用“与经营船舶有关”词组及在第27/29行的但书,对本条提供的保险范围设置了两项重要限制:






(d) 根据第1.2.4项,从被保险人拥有的财产处清除船舶的残骸所发生的费用。这不能依据第1.1.2项承保,因为被保险人不能对他自已承担法律责任;


(e) 依据第1.2.5项,保险人同意赔偿被保险人为避免、减轻、抗辩责任而发生的法律费用。此项对整个条款适用,而不仅限于第1.2款。不过,在所有情况下,其前提是在发生此种法律费用之前,被保险人必须事先告知保险人并取得他们的书面同意指定律师。





1.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of Clauses 1.1 and 1.2 this Clause 1 does not cover any liability cost or expense arising in respect thereof:

  1.3 尽管有1.1款和1.2款的规定,本第1条不承保因下述原因引起的任何责任费用或花费:




1.1.1                any direct or indirect payment by the Assured under workmen’s compensation or employers’ liability acts and any other statutory or common law, general maritime law or other liability whatsoever in respect of accidents to or illness of workmen or any other persons employed in any capacity whatsoever by the Assured or others in on or about or in connection with the Vessel or her cargo materials or repairs

1.1.2                liability assumed by the Assured under agreement expressed or implied in respect of death or illness of or injury to any persons employed under a contract of service or apprenticeship by the other party to such agreement


1.3.1 根据工人赔偿或雇员责任法或任何其他法规,普通法,一般海商法,对有关事故或工人或被保险人雇用的无论何种身份的人的疾病或与船舶、或船上货物或船舶修理有关的任何其他人员的其他责任,对被保险人直接或间接的赔偿


1.3.2 根据明示或默示协议就有关根据服务合同或由他方对此种协议的学徒合同聘用的任何人员的伤亡或疾病,被保险人应负的责任




    1.3.3 punitive or exemplary damages, however described

    1.3.3  任何性质的惩罚性或警诫性赔偿


本项旨在抵销在美国的某些州和其他地方法院除了赔偿性损害赔偿(compensatory damage)之外,另判决惩罚性损害赔偿(punitive damages)的发展趋势,只是因为当某项索赔由某个已知已投保的人抗辩时,同样明知保险人有足够的财力(have deep pockets)


1.3.4        cargo or other property carried, to be carried or which has been carried on board the Vessel but this Clause 1.3.4 shall not exclude any claim in respect of the extra cost of removing cargo from the wreck of the Vessel


    1.3.4 承运的,准备承运的,或已经装上船舶承运的,但不是本第1.3.4项的货物或其他财产,不应排除有关从船舶残骸移走货物的额外费用的任何索赔。




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