
-第一编 新保险条款简介

上传: 郭国汀 | 发布: 2011-4-3 02:10 | 作者: 郭国汀 | 来源: | 查看: 0

第三编第7章 协会渔船保险条款

7 协会渔船保险条款

Institute Fishing Vessel Clause


1982年开始推行标准保险单格式之前,在英国保险市场上渔船习惯上是按照“拖网渔船一切险条款”(Trawler All Risks Clauses)投保的。如其标题所示,这些条款一般被认为提供了英国渔船队所要求的承保,有不少人还真为其寿终正寝而深感遗憾。1987年引进的新格式,保留了某些对渔船东有利的重要让步,同时并入了许多协会船舶定期保险条款的标准条款,这些我们在前面(第87页至156页)已作详论。


1987720日协会渔船保险条款(Institute Fishing Vessel Clauses

This insurance is subject to English law and practice.





1 航行与移上岸条款



1.1   The Vessel is covered subject to the provisions of this insurance at all times and has leave to sail or navigate with or without pilots, to go on trial trips and to assist and tow vessels or craft in distress, but it is warranted that with the exception of catch the Vessel shall not carry cargo or containers for the carriage of cargo and shall not be towed, except as is customary or to the first safe port or place when in need of assistance, or undertake towage or salvage services under a contract previously arranged by the Assured and/or Owners and /or Managers and /or Charterers. This clause 1.1 shall not exclude customary towage in connection with loading and discharging.

1.2   Any part or parts of the subject-matter insured are covered subject to the provisions of this insurance whilst ashore for the purpose of repair, overhaul or refitting, including transit from and to the Vessel.

1.3   In the event of the Vessel sailing with an intention of being (a) broken up, or (b) sold for breaking up, any claim for loss of or damage to the Vessel occurring subsequent to such sailing shall be limited to the market value of the Vessel as scrap at the time when the loss or damage is sustained, unless previous notice has been given to the Underwriters and any amendments to the terms of cover, insured value and premium required by them have been agreed. Nothing in this Clause 1.3 shall affect claims under Clauses 8, 18 or 20.


1.1    保险船舶在所有时间根据保险的各项规定承保,并许可在有或没有引航员的情况下开航或试航及协助,拖带遇险船舶或驳船,但保证除了捕获的鱼之外,不得运载货物或装载货物的集装箱,渔船不得被拖带,除非是习惯性的,或当需要时被拖带至第一个安全港口或地点,也不得根据被保险人、船舶所有人、管理人和/或承租人事先安排的合同从事拖带或救助服务。但本1.1款不排除与装卸有关的习惯拖带。


1.2    当船舶为修理、检修、整修的目的上岸,包括往来岸上的通行期间,保险标的的任何部分均根据本保险各条款承保。


1.3    如果保险船舶开航旨在(a) 拆船或(b) 为拆船而出售,那么对保险船舶在此种开航后发生的灭失或损害的任何索赔,应限于船舶灭失和损坏时报废船舶的市场价值,除非事先已通知保险人,并已同意修改保险条款、保险价值和保险人要求的保险费。本1.3款不影响根据第81820条的索赔。




1.1 款包含一项附加保证:“除了捕获的鱼之外不得运载货物或装载货物的集装箱”。这是使用船舶时的一项重要限制,必须严格遵循的理由相当明显。因为渔船并非被设计用于载货的,渔船面临的各种风险,即使未增加那些货物已足够危险的了。


“除了捕获物(鱼)之外”(with the exception of catch)词组,使得在解释本格式此条和其他条款时非常清楚,鱼或被捕捞上船的其他海产被视为特殊的货物。


1.2款与协会船舶定期保险条款的相应规定完全不同。十分明显处理在海上进行自一船向他船装卸货物作业的条款与渔船保险无关,由“母船条款”(mothership clause)占据的位置,在这里让位于扩展保险利益至当船舶为了修理、检修、整修而上岸(包括驶往岸上或自岸上驶离的通行期间)“保险标的的任何部分”的条款。即便其承保的危险受第15条的限制,该标的包括鱼网和鱼具。


1.3款删除了“不论有无货载”(with or without cargo)几字。当然,渔船不涉及“载货航行”。


2 延续条款



Should the Vessel at the expiration of this insurance be at sea or in distress or at a port of refuge or of call, she shall, provided previous notice be given to the Underwriters, be held covered at a pro rata monthly premium to her port of destination.






3 违反保证条款



Held covered in case of any breach of warranty as to locality, towage, salvage services or date of sailing, provided notice be given to the Underwriters immediately after receipt of advances and any amended terms of cover and any additional premium required by them be agreed.






4 终止条款



This Clause 4 shall prevail notwithstanding any provision whether written typed or printed in this insurance inconsistent therewith.

Unless Underwriters agree to the contrary in writing, this insurance shall terminate  automatically at the time of

4.1 change of the Classification Society of the Vessel, or change, suspension, discontinuance, withdrawal or expiry of her Class therein provided that if the Vessel is at sea such automatic termination shall be deferred until arrival at her next port or until the expiry of fifteen days, whichever shall first occur. However where such change, suspension, discontinuance or withdrawal of her Class has resulted from loss or damage covered by Clause 6 of this insurance or which would be covered by an insurance of the Vessel subject to the current Institute War and Strikes Clauses Hulls-Time such automatic termination shall only operate should the Vessel sail from her next port without the prior approval of the Classification Society.

4.2 any change, voluntary or otherwise, in the ownership or flag, transfer to new management or charter on a bareboat basis, provided that if the Vessel is at sea such automatic termination shall, if required, be deferred until arrival at her next port or until the expiry of fifteen days, whichever shall first occur.

4.3 requisition for title or use of the Vessel. However, in the event of requisition for title or use without the prior execution of a written agreement by the Assured, such automatic termination shall occur fifteen days after such requisition whether the Vessel is at sea or in port.


本保险的任何条款,不论是手写的, 打印的,还是印刷的,凡与本条不一致者,均以本条为准。




4.1 保险船舶的船级社变更,或其船级变更、暂停、终止、撤回或期满,但如果船舶在海上,此种自动终止应延迟到船舶抵达下一港口时,或其船级期满后15天,以先发生者为准。然而,如果此种船级变更、暂停、终止、撤回是由本保险第6条承保的灭失或损害造成的,或者是由根据现行协会船舶战争险和罢工险定期保险条款承保的灭失或损害引起的,此种自动终止,仅于船舶未经船级社事先同意在下一港口开航时,才生效。


4.2 自愿或以其他方式变更船舶所有权或船旗,转给新的管理人,光船出租,但如果船舶在海上,经要求,此种自动终止应延迟直至船舶抵达下一港口为止,或直至该期满后15天,以先发生者为准。


4.3 船舶的征购征用。然而,若征购、征用未事先与被保险人签订书面协议,那么无论船舶是在海上还是在港内,此种自动终止将在船舶被征用或征购后15天开始生效。




5 转让条款



No assignment of or interest in this insurance or in any moneys which may be or become payable thereunder is to be binding on or recognized by the Underwriters unless a dated notice of such assignment or interest signed by the Assured, and by the assignor in the case of subsequent assignment, is endorsed on the Policy and the Policy with such endorsement is produced before payment of any claim or return of premium thereunder.






6 危险条款



6.1 This insurance covers loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured caused by

6.1.1 perils of the seas rivers lakes or other navigable waters

6.1.2 fire, explosion

6.1.3 violent theft by persons from outside the Vessel

6.1.4 jettison

6.1.5 piracy

6.1.6 breakdown of or accident to nuclear installations or reactors

6.1.7 contact with aircraft or similar objects, or objets falling therefrom, land conveyance, dock or harbour equipment or installation

6.1.8 earthquake volcanic eruption or lightning.

6.2 This insurance covers loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured caused by

6.2.1 accidents in loading discharging or shifting catch fuel or stores

6.2.2 bursting of boilers breakage of shafts or any latent defect in the machinery or hull

6.2.3 negligence of Master Officers Crew or Pilots

6.2.4 negligence of repairers or charterers provided such repairers or charterers are not an Assured hereunder

6.2.5 barratry of Master Officers or Crew

provided such loss or damage has not resulted from want of due diligence by the Assured, Owners or Managers.

6.3 Master Officers Crew or Pilots not to be considered Owners within the meaning of this Clause 6 should they hold shares in the Vessel.


6.1 本保险承保下列原因造成的保险标的的灭失或损害

6.1.1 海上、江河、湖泊或其他可航水域的危险

6.1.2 火灾、爆炸

6.1.3 来自保险船舶外部的人员的暴力盗窃

6.1.4 抛弃

6.1.5 海盗

6.1.6 核装置或核反应堆发生的故障或意外事故

6.1.7 与航空器或类似装置或从其上坠落的物体,与陆上运输工具、码头或港口设备或设施接触

6.1.8 地震、火山爆发或闪电

6.2 本保险承保下列原因造成的保险标的的灭失或损害

6.2.1 装卸或搬移捕获物、燃料或储备过程中的意外事故

6.2.2 锅炉破裂、尾轴断裂、或者机器、船壳的潜在缺陷

6.2.3 船长、高级船员、船员或引航员的过失

6.2.4 修船人或承租人的过失,如果此种修船人或承租人不是本保险的被保险人

6.2.5 船长、高级船员或船员的欺诈恶行,如果此种灭失或损害并非由于被保险人、船东或管理人缺乏谨慎处理所致。

6.3 船长、高级船员、船员或引航员拥有保险船舶股份的,也不视作本第6条意义上的船东。





7 污染危险条款



This insurance covers loss of or damage to the Vessel caused by any governmental authority acting under the powers vested in it to prevent or mitigate a pollution hazard, or threat thereof, resulting directly from damage to the Vessel for which the Underwriters are liable under this insurance, provided such act of governmental authority has not resulted from want of due diligence by the Assured, the Owners, or Managers of the Vessel or any of them to prevent or mitigate such hazard or threat. Master, Officers, Crew or Pilots not to be considered Owners within the meaning of this Clause 7 should they hold shares in the Vessel.






8 共同海损与救助条款



8.1 Any claim for general average and salvage to be on the basis of an adjustment according to the York-Antwerp Rule 1974 if so required by the Underwriters but the insured value of Hull and Machinery to be taken as the contributory value without deduction.

8.2 No claim under this Clause 8 shall in any case be allowed where the loss was not incurred to avoid or in connection with the avoidance of a peril insured against.


  8.1 为共同海损和救助而提出的任何索赔,若经保险人要求应根据1974《约克安特卫普规则》作为理算基础,但船体和机器的保险价值应作为分摊价值而不得作任何扣除。


  8.2 如果灭失并非由于避免承保危险所致,或与避免承保危险无关,在任何情况下,均不得根据本第8条提出索赔。






-除非某特殊的船(诸如一艘加工船(factory ship)被期租,不太可能会有合同文件调整当事双方捕鱼航行(fishing expedition)的地位,而在货运航程中肯定有此种合同文件。




这些对捕鱼航行均不适用。虽然此问题已超出本书讨论的范围,我们将审查如何适用该基本原则。当渔船开航前往渔场时,共同冒险便已开始,在整个捕鱼期间持续,并直至返航回到船籍港(home port)卸下捕获的鱼产品为止。对船东操纵的渔船而言,共同的利益在于出售捕获鱼产品的利润,这些利润依传统是由船东、渔船船长和船员分享。当然,这种利润在捕获的鱼产品被售出之前无法估算,尽管如此,按照共同海损的基本原则,在捕渔航程的整个期间都应进行分摊,只有在该冒险结束时,当捕获的鱼产品已出售,实现了部分价值之后才有可能(分摊共同海损)。












9 工资和给养条款



The underwriters to pay the cost of wages and maintenance of crew necessarily retained whilst the Vessel is undergoing repairs for which the Underwriters are liable under this insurance.






“必需保留的船员”(crew necessarily retained)这些措词的含义远比“保留在船上以便协助修理者”(retained on board in order to assist on repairs).范围广。他们包括船东能证明如果他继续支付船员工资和给养,对可能剩余的渔季他将丧失他们的服务的各种情形。


10 被保险人的义务(施救费用)条款



10.1 In case of any loss or misfortune it is the duty of the Assured and their servants and agents to take such measures as may be reasonable for the purpose of averting or minimising a loss which would be recoverable under this insurance.

10.2 Subject to the provisions below and to Clause 12 the Underwriters will contribute to charges properly and reasonably incurred by the Assured their servants or agents for such measured. General average, salvage charges (except as provided for in Clause 10.5) collision defence or attack costs and costs incurred by the Assured in avoiding minimising or contesting liability covered by Clause 20 are not recoverable under this Clause 10.

10.3 Measure taken by the Assured or the Underwriters with the object of saving, protecting or recovering the subject-matter insured shall not be considered as a waiver or acceptanc